How did I get here? : 80 mile drive to El Paso, TX
3 hour flight to Atlanta, GA
9 hour flight to Frankfurt, Germany
3 hour drive to Ilmenau
--on the bus, after the plane trip, going into the Fraport (or Frankfurt airpot)--
Today, for the first time, I am in a country on another continent. For the first time, I am in a land where english is not the main language nor widely known. For the first time, I can't order my own food in a restaurant. It's a very odd experience, and I'm looking forward to the weeks where my mom and I will be on our own, having to make due with what little bits of the language we know.
I miss my Chris, and I miss my home, my bed, and my refrigerator, but I am so excited to get this vacation underway.
On the horizon: The best bratwurst ever, more Ilmenau, Berlin, and beautiful countryside.
In what is now old East Germany, the crosswalks have two old symbols, known as the Red man and the Green man (in german of course, I don't know how to spell any of that stuff). Old East Germany is the only place you can find these curiously Soviet styled emblems.
Rotmann und Gruenmann. Unless it isn't a literal translation.
I'm so excited for you! yay!
is that 'do not go' man having his head torn apart?
by the end of the trip you will be able to order things. have a blast....... drink some german beer and eat some german chocolate for me....
interestingly, german chocolate cake isn't from germany. it was named after one sam german, a peddler of the recipe down in texas.
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